Mobile Device Authentication (Poor Man’s Confidential Client)
01 February 2023

Updating my mobile code libraries from ADAL (Azure Active Directory Authentication Library) to MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) was supposed to be a breeze. I thought I was simply swapping out ADAL for MSAL, but nope - the universe (and Microsoft) had other plans. I got an exception thrown in my face, informing me that my once trusty mobile app could no longer be a Confidential Client. Microsoft has spoken, and they don't trust mobile apps to keep secrets safe.

Conditional Attributes in .NET
31 December 2022

In the last couple of years, programming in .NET (.NET Core, Xamarin, MAUI) is multi-targeting different frameworks or platforms (NETCOREAPP, NET4, Windows, Android, iOS, . . .) and conditional compilation is used more than ever. By inertia, many of us who switched from C++ to C# continue to use preprocessor directives to control conditional compilation(#if - #endif). .NET is offering another approach that is in some cases a cleaner option.

Nullable in C#
19 March 2022

After switching to .NET 6 and getting some warnings related to dereferencing nullable types I got an idea to write a complete article about nullable in C#. If you are someone who stopped learning about nullable after C#2 and introduction of nullable value types, this is the right article for you. It will show you all features related to nullable types and references up to and including C#10.

ASP.NET Core 2.0 Razor Pages – When I Grow up I Want to Be MVVM
20 September 2017

With ASP.NET Core 2.0 we got Razor Pages. I can only guess that this is only the first step of making something smarter then just “let’s go back to the time when we encouraged people to shove data, logic and DB access to one code-behind file”. What if this is just beginning and the next step is introduction of observables and automatic propagation of changes like in real MVVM?

C#7 - Pattern Matching Is One More Step Forward in Making C# More Concise and Readable
06 August 2017

Remember boring polymorphism examples where Circle and Square are derived from Shape and each one override Draw method? This works well if you are dealing with classes. What if you just have simple values and no inheritance is possible?

New C#7 extended existing is and switch language constructs to check if item is of the certain "shape". Now you can execute different code according to "shape" of the tested item (similar to polymorphism).

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